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A Simple Picture of Success

Small group health depends on preparing for success.

Husband and Wife Small-Group Leadership Teams

By using your different areas of giftedness, couples leadership can be an incredible and effective ministry.

Developing People

The most important thing you do as a leader is develop other people.

Leaders as Spiritual Coaches

All leaders ultimately need to serve as spiritual coaches for whatever group of people they are leading.

Pushing Through Fear

Rely on your call to leadership when you fear how things will go.

Spiritual Gifts

Have group members identify the spiritual gifts they bring to the group.


Return vitality to small groups through “open” discussions.
Why God Gave You Gifts

Why God Gave You Gifts

The obligation and pleasure of putting your talents to work.

Discovering Spiritual Gifts in the Small Group Setting

Small group members can provide valuable insight when assessing an individual's spiritual gifts.

Spiritual Gifts and Small Group Life

I believe that small groups are the best place to practice spiritual gifts.

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